‘We lost a good one’: Convoy honors tow truck driver shot to death in Madison County

‘We lost a good one’: Convoy honors tow truck driver shot to death in Madison County

A tow-truck driver who was shot to death Wednesday in Madison County is being mourned as a hardworking man respected among his business colleagues.

Madison County Coroner Tyler Berryhill said Jayson Click, 38, of Grant, died of gunshot wounds in the incident in Harvest about 7 p.m.

The death has been ruled a homicide.

Sheriff’s deputies responded to the shooting at a home in the 200 block of Wedgewood Terrace Road in Harvest around 7 p.m. Wednesday, the sheriff’s office said.

Warren Siao, 47, has been charged with murder, according to sheriff’s office spokesman Brent Patterson. He is being held in the Madison County Jail without bond.

Click, the owner of Ace Towing, is being mourned by friends and family on social media. Clay Coltrain, on Facebook, wrote that Click often made him laugh and could lighten a mood.

“Still trying to figure this out in my own head. But we lost a good one for sure. The roads, the community, alot of things won’t be the same after this one,” Coltrain said.

Hunter White wrote, “I’ll never understand this wicked world. We lost a good one that will never be replaced.”

Greg Hinds called Click “a true gentleman who had a true passion for our industry.”

WAFF reported that almost 100 trucks from across the Tennessee Valley gathered Thursday night in Click’s memory. The trucks paraded down Putman Drive, where Click’s business, Ace Towing, is located.

Charles Watson, a former employee of Click, told the station that the killing highlights the dangers of towing.

“Everybody assumes they’re out there to do something wrong, or (to) pick up a vehicle they’re not supposed to,” Watson said. “All they’re doing is earning a living.”